

dda international consulting




David Annandale

David is an international environmental policy specialist, and senior partner at DDA. He has 35 years of experience in the public, private, and NGO sectors. For 13 years, David was an academic at Murdoch University in Australia, finishing up as Dean of the School of Environmental Science.

Since 2005 he has been an independent international environmental policy consultant, working for clients such as ADB, African Development Bank, AIIB, Inter-American Development Bank, Caribbean Development Bank, European Investment Bank, World Bank, IFAD, FAO, IUCN, UNDP, UNEP, UNIDO, UN Women, UNICEF, UNOPS, UN REDD,  Green Climate Fund, Global Environment Facility, Global Fund for Coral Reefs, Central African Forests Initiative, Mercy Corps International, Save the Children International, Conservation International,  commercial banks in Armenia and Kyrgyzstan, and DANIDA.

His substantive expertise includes designing safeguards frameworks linked to development finance; environmental impact assessment for a range of project types; strategic environmental assessment; evaluation; REDD+; project due diligence; and climate change.

Specialism Areas

  • Impact assessment

  • Project due diligence

  • Environmental and social management systems

  • Capacity development

  • Environmental mainstreaming


University of Western Australia
PhD., Organizational Behaviour

University of Virginia
M.A., Public Administration

Murdoch University
BSc., Environmental Science




Darko Annandale

Mr Darko Annandale is a Co-Director and Social and Environmental Policy Specialist at DDA. He has extensive experience in advising public and private clients on balancing economic, environmental and social considerations and  leading the development and application of appropriate institutional environmental safeguard policies, ensuring that clients deliver on international principles of social and environmental sustainability.  He has delivered numerous capacity building workshops for public and private practitioners on social and environmental assessment methodologies.

He has over seven years’ experience in assessing and managing the environmental, health and social risks, impacts and opportunities associated with equity investments (including OTC), fungible/non-fungible debt, bonds, and guarantees. He has worked on development projects across the full range of economic sectors and in scores of countries (over 30)  for both public and private clients.  These projects range from lending/investing in micro, small and medium enterprises to large scale/mega-projects in the extractives, transport and energy sectors. More recently, with a focus on renewables and on financial institutions (small investment funds to large well-known multinationals). He has provided advice and guidance on a diverse range of issues including the protection of endangered species and critical habitat, labour and rights-based issues, resettlement, management of construction impacts, indigenous peoples and cultural heritage issues.


Specialism Areas

  • ESDD for Equity Investments, Lending, and Blended finance. 

  • Strategic Environmental and Social Assessment (SESA)

  • Environmental and Social Impact Assessment,

  • Sustainable/Climate finance

  • Stakeholder engagement

  • Environmental and Biodiversity Management, Safeguards and Due Diligence

  • Agriculture, Extractives, Transport and Energy


Aalborg University
MSc.,International Relations and Development Studies

Dalhousie University
B.A., Political Science




Mara Fehling

Mara's work has focused on devleopment of Environmental and Social Management Systems for UN Agencies and NGOs, as well as benchmarking of Safeguards Frameworks of Multilateral, Bilateral and Private actors in international development. Therefore, she has developed a detailed understanding of these frameworks, the associated standards and requirements, and how they are implemented at a project level. She has also delivered training on safeguards systems and the associated operational procedures for various clients.

Furthermore, Mara has applied her previous experience in the EU environmental policy field working on policy-level research and reviews for various Multilateral Financial and Development Organisations. At a project level her focus has been on project evaluation, assessment, and compliance; working on projects in various countries in Asia and Africa, ensuring a high standard of due diligence and coordinating with global teams.

In addition to her background in policy research, public affairs and government relations, Mara also has two years of experience in data analysis in environmental and climate policy, connected with climate modelling and GIS.


Specialism Areas

  • Environmental and social management systems

  • Safeguards systems/frameworks

  • Project due diligence

  • Environmental and social policy

  • Data analysis


University of Strathcylde
M.SC., Sustainability and Environmental Studies

University of Strathcylde
B.A Hons, Politics and International Relations


Laura Steel Pascual

Laura’s background lies in international politics and environmental policy. She has previous experience in interdisciplinary research and editorial, and specialised research interests in environmental displacement topics and the EU. She currently undertakes work in topics related to environmental and social safeguards and policy, and research across a variety of environmental and social public policy topics. Laura also has experience in data analysis and statistical programs, related to climate policy and modelling.



Leiden University
M.Sc., Governance of Sustainability

Leiden University
B.A Political Science: International Relations and Organisations

Specialism Areas

  • Environmental and Social Policy

  • Climate Migration and Displacement topics

  • Data Analysis

  • EU Legislation





John Horberry

John Horberry has over 40 years experience working in the field of Environmentally Sustainable Development – providing services to international development agencies, financial institutions, governments and the private sector.  During this period, he has worked for a leading sustainable development think-tank - IIED, a major private consultancy firm – Environmental Resources Management, and the United Nations Environmental Programme. Much of his professional experience concerns environmental and social safeguards of international development programmes and projects. He has advised international development agencies on establishing their environmental and social safeguards systems as well as the implementation challenges. He has designed safeguards systems, prepared technical guidance, conducted training programmes and has investigated compliance issues at the country and project level. He has also worked extensively in the field of Sustainable Development Goals and the mainstreaming of environment into national policy making, developing and implementing capacity development for governments – notably as the co-director of the UNDP-UNEP Poverty-Environment Initiative (PEI).  Recent clients have included UNDP, the Asian Development Bank, the African Development Bank, International fund for Agricultural Development, the Green Climate Fund and UK DFID.



Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Ph.D., International Environmental Policy

University of Pennsylvania
MSc., Economic Anthropology

Magdalene College, Cambridge University
B.A. Hons, Part I Economics, Part II Social Anthropology

Specialism Areas

  • Mainstreaming of environment into national policy making

  • Environmental and social safeguards 

  • Sustainable development goals (SDGs) 




Bruce Jenkins

Bruce Jenkins is a consultant on sustainable development, with a focus on environmental, social and governance issues. In recent years, Bruce has been the principal consultant for the development of the UN EMG’s Model Approach on Environmental and Social Standards for UN Programming and UNDP’s Social and Environmental Standards, Social and Environmental Screening Procedure, and supporting guidance materials. Bruce has undertaken and contributed to several reviews and evaluations with the Global Environment Facility, including the 2019 review of Agency compliance with the updated GEF safeguards; the 2017 GEF IEO evaluation of GEF’s safeguards; the 2016 review of GEF’s Public Information Policy and Agency policies and procedures on stakeholder engagement and information disclosure; and the 2013 review of GEF Agency compliance with the GEF safeguards policy.  He has also consulted with the World Bank, the Forest Carbon Partnership Facility, and the World Resources Institute, among other organizations. He was formerly the Policy Director at the Bank Information Center (BIC).


Specialism Areas

  •  Stakeholder engagement 

  • Environmental and social safeguards 

  • Grievance and redress mechanisms

  • Due diligence 


Freie Universität Berlin
M.A., Political Science 

University of New Hampshire
B.A., Political Science




Patti Moore

Patti Moore is an environmental lawyer with more than 27 years’ international experience, working in the field of environmental law and governance across more than 30 countries in Africa, Asia, Europe and Latin America.  In 2010, she and a national colleague prepared the first equivalence assessment for environmental safeguards, which the Asian Development Bank and the World Bank jointly supported for Vietnam.  Since then, she has prepared forensic environmental and involuntary resettlement equivalence assessments for specific sectors in Papua New Guinea, Indonesia, and Sri Lanka, collaborated with national colleagues to develop assessments for environment, involuntary resettlement, and indigenous peoples in another six countries, and reviewed assessments for more than 30 additional countries. Patti has also conducted training on equivalence assessments for the Asian Development Bank. 

Specialism Areas

  •  Stakeholder engagement 

  • Environmental and social safeguards 

  • Grievance and redress mechanisms

  • Due diligence 


University of Colorado
Juris Doctor

Roanoke College
B.A., Modern Languages




Janis Shandro

Janis's work and research are focused on a range of topics associated with community and occupational health, safety and security. She has broad experience across diverse sectors in the areas of effective risk management, strategic health and development investments, along with due diligence, monitoring and evaluation approaches. She has successfully supported the adoption of improved health, safety and social performance in challenging and unique settings and has developed and implemented a range of programs and capacity building efforts for diverse target groups. 

Technically, Janis specializes in identifying and managing community health and safety risks associated with large-scale development projects, incidents and emergency scenarios. She has deep experience in working on complex/special projects in sensitive/fragile settings and a proven track record of working collaboratively with communities, governments (Indigenous and non), international organizations, multilateral development banks, academic institutions and the private sector in developing and developed nations

Specialism Areas

  • Health Impact Assessment

  • Capacity Building

  • Labour/OHS

  • Risk Assessment and Management


The University of British Columbia
PhD., Mining Engineering  

Lakehead University
BSc., Biology



Kate Turner

Kate Turner has experience in a variety of environmental fields, including watershed restoration and management, water policy, impact assessment, and environmental education. Kate spent eight years working with the Drinking Water Source Protection Program (Ministry of Environment, Ontario, Canada), which gave her first hand experience reviewing complex source protection plans, including examining legislative compliance, identifying gaps, considering and analyzing stakeholder comments, assessing implementability, and providing recommendations to senior management. Now, Kate works with several watershed organizations in southern New Brunswick, Canada, writing grant proposals and reports, developing restoration projects, and coordinating outreach events. She is also engaged in various environmental consulting jobs, working on forest policy projects and on environmental safeguards-related work. 

Specialism Areas

  • Watershed restoration and management

  • Impact assessment

  • Environmental education


McGill University
MSc., Geography 

Dalhousie University
BSc., Biology